Get with the program guys! IT’S 2015! To celebrate the New Year, Made Real has BIG news to announce. Where do we even begin?! First up, we’re throwing a party and we’re celebrating YOU! The Be-YOU-tiful Carnival is a health and fitness bazaar featuring the launch of Made Real’s Oh-Goodies! Snack Box. The event offers…

Hi all, my name is Ariel and I have written a few articles about fitness on Made Real! I will be sharing my journey through the treacherous terrain of body image, calorie counting and exercising. Early Experiences For as long as I can remember, I have been conscious about my body. Specifically, though, I do…

Want to burn those calories without breaking a sweat? Swimming may be the perfect option for you! Swimming is a sport that can burn the most calories within a given amount of time, without exerting immense pressure on your skeletal system. I was 8 when I first learnt how to swim. It was strenuous as…

Simply put, pole dancing is a unique amalgamation of dance and sports. On one hand, I could be swinging it out to Taylor Swift’s Blank Space. On the other hand, I could be at pole practice attempting to perfect my moves. Whichever it is, pole dance always leaves me sweating and wanting more. I first…

Voted as the world’s healthiest sports by Forbes magazine, squash has all the right attributes to suit your needs- whether you’re looking to burn some calories or to have a competitive game. There really is no hiding place on the squash court and it’s a real battle of wits and skills. Furthermore, it’s played indoors….

Every time I tell people I played water polo in junior college, they respond with surprise and awe. Girls’ water polo is not too common a sport in Singapore. It appears to have its own barrier of entry – not only must one know how to swim, one must also be relatively strong in it….

“Are you ready?” It seems just like yesterday that I played my very first competitive Tennis match. Even though I had been playing Tennis ever since the tender age of just eight, it was only when I was seventeen that I started to play competitively. I have always had a love-hate relationship with Tennis. Firstly,…

Do you dread those hour (or more) long workouts in the gym? Does the idea of slogging it off on the treadmill sound like an absolute chore to you? Does your busy schedule simply not permit a regular exercise schedule? HIIT may just be the answer for you! (Image Source: Kristin Kokkersvold, Flikr Creative Commons)…

One of the greatest battles I have ever needed to come face to face with is my battle with an eating disorder. It was the darkest, toughest period of my life but there is one thing I can say for sure: It is the greatest privilege of my life. Growing up, I have never been…