Get with the program guys! IT’S 2015! To celebrate the New Year, Made Real has BIG news to announce. Where do we even begin?! First up, we’re throwing a party and we’re celebrating YOU! The Be-YOU-tiful Carnival is a health and fitness bazaar featuring the launch of Made Real’s Oh-Goodies! Snack Box. The event offers…

Hi all, my name is Ariel and I have written a few articles about fitness on Made Real! I will be sharing my journey through the treacherous terrain of body image, calorie counting and exercising. Early Experiences For as long as I can remember, I have been conscious about my body. Specifically, though, I do…

One of the greatest battles I have ever needed to come face to face with is my battle with an eating disorder. It was the darkest, toughest period of my life but there is one thing I can say for sure: It is the greatest privilege of my life. Growing up, I have never been…

Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. They say everyone you meet has a past, so don’t judge because you don’t know their story; there is definitely a ring of truth to that. I have been fighting my battle against my internal demons which was destroying the life around me. I could never admit that…

Feelings of inadequacy are common among a lot of us, but can be overcome through self-love. Happiness and good health can also be achieved by harnessing self-love. The 5 tips below offer some suggestions. Taking concrete steps will help you to kick-start your journey of self-love — take up Made Real’s 14-day challenge for some inspiration. …

photo source: http://ineedsleepmore.tumblr.com/post/92902346642/http-90s-b-i-t-c-h-tumblr-com-en-we-heart-it It’s all over Instagram and Facebook, teatoxes that promise a flatter stomach, less cellulite, weight loss, internal cleanse, better skin and hair.. the laundry list is endless. How teatox works Like any other detox plans, they are meant to flush out any toxins in your system by cleansing and nourishing your digestive system….

Having spent a month abroad volunteering at a wildlife sanctuary in Laos and with destitute communities in Sri Lanka, I returned to Singapore down a cup size and having lost much mass in my thighs. The physical exertion had caused me to burn most of my body’s fat and I was the skinniest I had…
This is the revolution, and YOU are at the very heart of it. With the growth of the modern cosmetics industry, mass and social media has had an ever-present influence on our perceptions of beauty and the self. And for the longest time, these influences were perceived to be a negative and destructive force. Today,…

Behold, Ami’s inspirational story. Field Hockey is truly my first love. I met Field Hockey when I was 13, but our relationship only really began when I was 17 and in Junior College in Singapore. We’ve been together ever since, because through loving Field Hockey I began to love myself. Our relationship began at a…

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUUNcFBuGBA Here is what you missed out on during Made Real’s Uphoria! 2014 event. Do not fret, seeing the success of Uphoria!, Made Real has planned a whole line up of exciting events to be revealed. So make sure you keep your eyes peeled and work out gear on hand because Made Real will take…