Hi all, my name is Ariel and I have written a few articles about fitness on Made Real! I will be sharing my journey through the treacherous terrain of body image, calorie counting and exercising. Early Experiences For as long as I can remember, I have been conscious about my body. Specifically, though, I do…

One of the greatest battles I have ever needed to come face to face with is my battle with an eating disorder. It was the darkest, toughest period of my life but there is one thing I can say for sure: It is the greatest privilege of my life. Growing up, I have never been…

Recently, the media has bombarded us with a multitude of campaigns centred on body-image such as the “Fitspiration” movement, the “Say No to Size Zero” campaign spearheaded by Katie Green, and even the famous endorsement of a positive body-image by the celebrity Jennifer Lawrence. These are all noble causes that champion women of body shapes,…