Hi all, my name is Ariel and I have written a few articles about fitness on Made Real! I will be sharing my journey through the treacherous terrain of body image, calorie counting and exercising. Early Experiences For as long as I can remember, I have been conscious about my body. Specifically, though, I do…

Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. They say everyone you meet has a past, so don’t judge because you don’t know their story; there is definitely a ring of truth to that. I have been fighting my battle against my internal demons which was destroying the life around me. I could never admit that…

Feelings of inadequacy are common among a lot of us, but can be overcome through self-love. Happiness and good health can also be achieved by harnessing self-love. The 5 tips below offer some suggestions. Taking concrete steps will help you to kick-start your journey of self-love — take up Made Real’s 14-day challenge for some inspiration. …